2021 Camp


Young Citizen Reporters – Unfolding the Voice of Communities

The Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF) proudly announces “Young Citizen Reporters – Unfolding the Voice of Communities”  ICYF Online Media Training Camp”  to equip young people by developing contents-stories in a powerful way for being the voice of their communities to be held on 15 – 19 November 2021 at virtually.

The ICYF, in partnership with the Anadolu Agency, will organize the “ICYF International Media Training Camp – Young Citizen Reporters – Unfolding the Voice of Communities”, which will expose youth from the OIC Member States to teach the ethical values and basic principles of journalism young people.


Social media’s global penetration and the widespread use of smart devices have enabled us all to join in the transfer of information to large audiences in real-time using multimedia in the blink of an eye, something that was unthinkable decades ago. The new generation of internet users is more engaged than ever, and the use of point-and-shoot devices like smartphones with cameras has helped break stories and spread misinformation, thus making it a double-edged sword. Citizen journalism, participatory journalism, or collaborative journalism are all terms referring to the modern approach of news reporting and storytelling by the person traditionally referred to as the consumer, is now also an essential stakeholder in the sharing and dissemination of news and information, a role previously reserved for professional journalists only.


The training aims to empower a new generation of citizen journalists on the journey of digital storytelling and news reporting in the information age using daily tools. 


  • To develop participants’ awareness and competencies (knowledge, skills and attitude) in new media and citizen journalism.
  • To provide a platform where they can share their individual experiences of the media and how the mainstream media’s inaccuracy sometimes creates problems for smaller communities.
  • To motivate and support participants in their role as young independent journalists and content producers for their local communities for the safekeeping of journalistic values.
  • To paint an accurate picture of the news media industry for aspirants who seek a future in it.


  • Digital media and the role we as young people have in creating and sharing newsworthy content
  • New methods of disseminating news and the pros and cons of such a system
  • Misinformation and the importance of verification in this age
  • Alternative online platforms for reaching niche audiences
  • The wide array of digital formats and for which purpose they are most suitable for
  • Social media as a tool for both sourcing and verifying news information
  • Ethics of journalism and their application in our cases as citizen reporters
  • Careers prospects in the field and why we need to learn how to produce content
  • Overcoming limitations in terms of financial restraints and inadequate equipment
  • Redefining the young people’s role in the new digital wave and the digital revolution
  • The power of video as a source of disseminating news
  • Understanding audio-only content and the role of podcasts
  • Blogging in 2021, the ever-changing dynamic
  • Using social media popularity for the greater good


The organizing team will make the final selection. Applicant should meet the following criteria:   

  • Citizen of an OIC Member State or representative of a Muslim community in a non-OIC Member State
  • Ability to communicate in English.
  • Aged between 18–35.
  • Strong Media background (study, work experience, or interest)
  • Involved in/or have coordinated media-related project.
  • Passionate and responsible for attending the entire forum program.

Training Elements

  • Journalism in the Middle East and Conflict Zones
  • Multimedia and Internet Journalism
  • Finding Story in the Data
  • New Media and Social Media Applications
  • Applied Interview Techniques
  • Media Sharing Experiences.